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Integration Scenarios

BLIK Payment with Redirection

Payment with Redirection to the BLIK Payment Page

  1. The customer selects the BLIK payment method.
  2. The shop authenticates with PayU by retrieving an OAuth token.
  3. The shop creates the order by sending an order with the OAuth token received from PayU.
  4. PayU registers transaction with BLIK and returns a response to the shop with the ID of the created order.
  5. The shop directs the customer to the BLIK payment page via an intermediary page where mandatory information about PayU acting as the personal data controller during the payment process is presented.
  6. The customer enters a BLIK authorization code.
  7. BLIK sends a notification to the mobile application of the customer's bank, from which the BLIK authorization code was generated, that the payment must be authorized.
  8. The customer authorizes the payment in the bank's mobile application.
  9. The customer is notified of the transaction status and is redirected to the shop page.

Payment with Redirection to the PayU Payment Page

  1. The customer selects the BLIK payment method.
  2. The shop authenticates with PayU by retrieving an OAuth token.
  3. The shop creates the order by sending an order with the OAuth token received from PayU.
  4. PayU registers transaction with BLIK and returns a response to the shop with the ID of the created order.
  5. The shop directs the customer to the BLIK payment page via an intermediary page where mandatory information about PayU acting as the personal data controller during the payment process is presented.
  6. The customer enters a BLIK authorization code.
  7. BLIK sends a notification to the mobile application of the customer's bank, from which the BLIK authorization code was generated, that the payment must be authorized.
  8. The customer authorizes the payment in the bank's mobile application.
  9. The customer is notified of the transaction status and is redirected to the shop page.

Payment with a BLIK Authorization Code

When placing an order, the customer has the option to enter a BLIK authorization code on the shop's website. The shop should be able to handle basic service scenarios:

Placing an Order for the White Label Payment with BLIK Authorization Code

  1. The shop presents field to enter a BLIK authorization code.
  2. The customer generates a BLIK authorization code in the bank's mobile application, and enters it on the shop's website.
  3. The shop authenticates with PayU by retrieving an OAuth token.
  4. The shop creates the order by sending an order with the OAuth token received from PayU.
  5. PayU registers transaction with BLIK and returns a response to the shop with the ID of the created order.
  6. The shop displays relevant information to the customer.
  7. BLIK sends a notification to the mobile application of the customer's bank, from which the BLIK authorization code was generated, that the payment must be authorized.
  8. The customer authorizes the payment in the bank's mobile application.
  9. The shop receives a notification that the payment has been authorized.

Unsuccessful Order Request for White Label Payment with BLIK Authorization Code - Invalid BLIK Code

  1. The shop presents field to enter a BLIK authorization code.
  2. The customer generates a BLIK authorization code in the bank's mobile application, and enters it on the shop's website.
  3. The shop authenticates with PayU by retrieving an OAuth token.
  4. The shop creates the order by sending an order with the OAuth token received from PayU.
  5. PayU registers transaction with BLIK and receives information about invalid BLIK code.
  6. PayU returns a response with appropriate error code and the ID of created order.
  7. The shop displays an error message to the customer.

UID Token Payments

Prior to presenting avaialable payment methods, the shop retrieves and assess them. This initial evaluation includes verifying if a customer has a UID token associated with the them.

If the customer happens to have the UID token, the shop's go-to presentation for the BLIK payment method should be the UID token payment by default. Also, it's important to give the customer the choice to enter a BLIK authorization code on the shop's website – this is a crucial option for the service to operate as intended.

The UID token enables payment authorization by associating the customer's bank mobile application with the token. When the customer selects UID token payment, BLIK sends a notification to the mobile application associated with the token, where the customer can authorize the payment. If the customer cannot confirm the payment on the mobile application originally linked to the UID token, they can opt to enter a BLIK authorization code. This option permits them to proceed with the payment process.

If a BLIK authorization code is entered from a different bank's mobile application than the one linked with the token, it will result in the token getting linked to that other bank's mobile application. A list of mobile applications from different banks associated with the customer's UID token is provided when payment methods are retrieved. If the customer has multiple bank mobile applications connected to the UID token, the shop must show a list of these available associations. This step is crucial in ensuring that the customer is well-informed about which specific bank's mobile application requires authorization for the payment.


In the previous version of this process, information about the assignment of more than one bank mobile application to the UID token was sent to the shop in an error response (OrderCreateResponse). Within this response the shop received a complete list of the banks mobile applications associated with the UID token. To complete the order the shop sent new order with the customer chosen, specific bank's mobile application.

The UID token registration requires the customer to save it at the payment authorization stage in the bank mobile application. Token registration always takes place in the context of a BLIK code authorization, so the token is associated with the bank's mobile application in which the BLIK code was generated.

Possible Number of Registered Applications

One BLIK token can be associated with 5 different bank mobile applications.

The process of de-registering a UID token is initiated upon the customer's request within their bank's mobile application. The token is deleted once all its connections with mobile bank applications have been severed.

When paying with BLIK while using the UID token, customer can pay without the need to authorize payments in the bank's mobile application. Ask your PayU account manager about details of such solution.

Placing an Order for White Label Payment with a BLIK Authorization Code and the UID Token Registration

  1. The shop authenticates with PayU in context of the customer by retrieving an OAuth token.
  2. The shop uses returned OAuth token to send a new request for retrieving payment methods.
  3. PayU does not return the UID token.
  4. The shop presents payment with a BLIK authorization code as a default BLIK payment option.
  5. The customer pays for the order by entering a BLIK authorization code from the bank's mobile application.
  6. The shop creates the order by sending an order with the OAuth token received from PayU.
  7. PayU registers transaction with BLIK, along with the request to create the UID token, and returns a response to the shop with the ID of the created order.
  8. The shop displays relevant information to the customer.
  9. BLIK sends a payment authorization notification to the bank mobile application which has been associated with the UID token during its registration.
  10. The customer authorizes the payment in the bank's mobile application and saves the UID token.
  11. The shop receives a payment authorization notification.
  12. PayU receives information from BLIK that the customer has saved the UID token
  13. PayU activates the UID token for the customer.

Placing an Order for the White Label Payment with the UID Token

  1. The shop authenticates with PayU in context of the customer by retrieving an OAuth token.
  2. The shop uses returned OAuth token to send a new request for retrieving payment methods.
  3. PayU returns the UID token, associated with a single bank's mobile application.
  4. The shop presents the UID token payment as a default service within BLIK payment method.
  5. The customer pays for the order by selecting the UID token payment.
  6. The shop creates the order by sending an order with the OAuth token received from PayU.
  7. PayU registers transaction with BLIK and returns a response to the shop with the ID of the created order.
  8. The shop displays relevant information to the customer.
  9. BLIK sends a notification about required payment authorization to the bank's mobile application which was associated with the UID token during its registration.
  10. The customer authorizes payment in the bank's mobile application.
  11. The shop receives payment authorization notification.

Placing an Order for the White Label Payment with the UID Token, without Customer's Confirmation

  1. The shop authenticates with PayU in context of the customer by retrieving an OAuth token.
  2. The shop uses returned OAuth token to send a new request for retrieving payment methods.
  3. PayU returns the UID token, associated with single bank's mobile application.
  4. The shop presents the UID token payment as a default service within BLIK.
  5. The customer pays for the order by selecting the UID token payment.
  6. The shop creates the order by sending an order with the OAuth token received from PayU.
  7. PayU registers transaction with BLIK and returns a response to the shop with the ID of the created order.
  8. The shop displays relevant information to the customer.
  9. The shop receives a payment authorization notification.

Placing an Order for the White Label Payment with a BLIK Authorization Code, and the UID Token Registration for the Customer who already has a Token

  1. The shop authenticates with PayU in context of the customer by retrieving an OAuth token.
  2. The shop uses returned OAuth token to send a new request for retrieving payment methods.
  3. PayU returns the UID token, associated with single bank's mobile application.
  4. The shop presents the UID token payment as a default service within BLIK.
  5. The customer chooses authorization by BLIK authorization code in the bank's mobile application.
  6. The shop creates the order by sending an order with the OAuth token received from PayU.
  7. PayU registers transaction with BLIK along with a request to link another bank's mobile application and returns a response to the shop with the ID of the created order.
  8. The shop displays relevant information to the customer.
  9. BLIK sends a request to save the UID token to the banking mobile application, where the BLIK code was generated, along with a notification to authorize the payment.
  10. The customer authorizes the payment in the bank's mobile application and saves the UID token.
  11. The shop receives a payment authorization notification.
  12. PayU receives information from BLIK about the assignment of the UID token to the next mobile banking application.

Placing an Order for the White Label Payment with Multiple Banking Mobile Applications Associated with the UID Token

  1. The shop authenticates with PayU in context of the customer by retrieving an OAuth token.
  2. The shop uses returned OAuth token to send a new request for retrieving payment methods.
  3. PayU returns the UID token, associated with single mobile banking application.
  4. The shop presents the UID token payment as a default service within BLIK, along with a list of associated mobile banking applications.
  5. The customer pays for the order by selecting the UID token payment for the specific bank's mobile application.
  6. The shop creates the order by sending an order with the OAuth token received from PayU.
  7. PayU registers transaction with BLIK and returns a response to the shop with the ID of the created order.
  8. The shop displays relevant information to the customer.
  9. BLIK sends a notification about required payment authorization to the bank's mobile application which was chosen during payment process.
  10. The customer authorizes payment in the bank's mobile application.
  11. The shop receives a payment authorization notification.

Placing an Order for the White Label Payment with the UID Token, when the Token is Associated with Multiple Bank Mobile Applications - previous process version (ambiguity)

  1. The shop authenticates with PayU in context of the customer by retrieving an OAuth token.
  2. The shop uses returned OAuth token to send a new request for retrieving payment methods.
  3. PayU returns the UID token, without associated mobile banking applications.
  4. The shop presents the UID token payment as a default service within BLIK.
  5. The customer pays for the order by selecting the UID token payment.
  6. The shop creates the order by sending an order with the OAuth token received from PayU.
  7. PayU registers transaction with BLIK and receives an ambiguity error - the request does not specify to which bank's mobile application the authorization notification should be sent.
  8. PayU returns a response with the corresponding error code and a list of banking mobile apps assigned to the used token.
  9. The shop displays a list of available mobile banking applications to the customer.
  10. The buyer chooses the bank's mobile app.
  11. The shop creates a new order by sending an order with information about the selected bank's mobile application.
  12. PayU registers transaction with BLIK and returns a response to the shop with the ID of the created order.
  13. The shop displays relevant information to the customer.
  14. BLIK sends a notification about required payment authorization to the bank's mobile application which was chosen during payment process.
  15. The customer authorizes the payment in bank's mobile application.
  16. The shop receives a payment authorization notification.