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Supporting Services

This section offers information about services that will assist you in constructing and transmitting a BLIK payment request correctly.

Retrieving OAuth Token

To execute a UID token payment, you need to retrieve an OAuth token using the grant_type=trusted_merchant mode, with the ext_customer_id and email context. For more information about the authentication process, please refer to the Authorizing Your Requests section.

Retrieving Payment Methods

The payment methods retrieval service also provides payment instruments, including the UID token. Utilizing this service is essential for ensuring the accurate integration of the UID token payment process.

blikTokens Array Structure
"blikTokens": [
"value": "<token value>",
"type": "UID",
"brandImageUrl": "<image file url address>",
"bankApplicationReferences": [
"key": "<assignment identifier of a particaular mobile banking application>",
"label": "<mobile banking application assignment label>"

For details on parameters, please refer to the Payment Methods section in our API Reference.

Retrieving Transaction Data

Transaction data for a specific order can be accessed with the transaction data retrieve service.

The resultCode field and the blik section may not appear if the handling of a particular transaction has not yet been completed:

transactions Array Structure
"transactions": [
"payMethod": {
"value": "blik"
"paymentFlow": "<payment method handling mode>",
"resultCode": "<result code np. REG_ERROR_AUTH_CODE_EXPIRED>",
"blik": {
"txRef": "<transaction identifier assigned by BLIK>",
"extTxRef": "<transaction identifier assigned by PayU>"

For details on parameters, please refer to the Retrieve a Transaction section in our API Reference.

Possible Values of the resultCode Field
Used payment token is associated with multiple devices / banking applications. It is required to specify, in the appKey field, the identifier of banking application associated with the payment token. A list of available alternatives (banking applications) is returned in the response to OrderCreateRequest. A list of available alternatives can also be retrieved with the paymethods method, but only if merchant supports ambiguity handling.
Used payment token does not exist. Re-registration of the token with BLIK authorization code is required.
Refusal of the transaction processing for the submitted token, for security reasons. Re-registration of the token with BLIK authorization code is required.
BLIK authorization code has expired.
The limit for the BLIK authorization code has been exceeded.
BLIK authorizaton code has beed canceled.
BLIK authorization code has already been used.
Incorrect BLIK authorization code.
User's banking application han not been registerd correctly. Contact bank to complete transaction.
The bank selected by the user to process the payment has a technical break or temporary problems. Try to process the payment later or choose another bank.
Chosen bank does not support tokens within processed payment.
Internal error on the BLIK's side. The user can try again to request proccessing of a new transaction.
Internal error on the BLIK's side. The user can try again to request proccessing of a new transaction.
Refusal to start the transaction due to incorrect data in the request. Please correct the data before retrying the payment.
Internal error on PayU's side. The user can try again to request proccessing of a new transaction. In case of another failed attempt, please contact PayU.
Internal error on PayU's side. The user can try again to request proccessing of a new transaction. In case of another failed attempt, please contact PayU.
The payment was not confirmed in time in the bank's application.
Payment rejected due to exceeding the limit.
Payment rejected due to lack of funds.
Payment rejected by the user in bank's mobile application.
Payment rejected by bank.
Payment rejected by BLIK.
Transaction successful - settled or unclaimed by the merchant.
Transaction rejected at the authoriztion stage by the antifraud system.
Transaction rejected at the authoriztion stage by the antifraud system.
Authorization was not received, transaction cancelled.