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Testing Marketplace

The marketplace's testing capabilities depend on the merchant registration method you choose.

You can test the functionality of the marketplace in a sandbox environment. The test account is available to anyone who is currently testing the service, so submerchants' balances, as well as the marketplace itself, may change without your input.


The marketplace test account is available only to marketplace platforms that register merchants through a web form.

If you want to perform payout from a test account, you should set value of shopId parameter to 0pKb1aqC.

Marketplace Sandbox Account Details
Point of Sale Id (pos_id):          341009
Second key (MD5): 289c28ec590ba6940746266c5d64932f
OAuth Protocol (client_id): 341009
OAuth Protocol (client_secret): ff9994baa59b73c7ca56a5480e608f02

List of Available ext_customer_id:

  • submerchant_A
  • submerchant_B
  • submerchant_C
  • submerchant_unverified - this submerchant is not verified - you can't make some requests such as payout etc.

Testing Verification API

Maximum size of a file that can be send to PayU on sandbox environment is 1MB.

You can test verification process without PayU's involvement. You can find testing steps for the verification process in link below:

Automatic Testing Steps (creation date: 2024-06-20)