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Payout for a Different Bank Account

You can send a payout to a designated bank account that is not specified as the default bank account for payouts on your shop. This is possible for:

  • domestic bank accounts (for Polish and Czech banks),
  • foreign bank accounts,
  • postal transfer orders (only for Polish shops).

The type of bank account chosen for the payout affects the scope of the data required in the request. Depending on whether the bank account is domestic, foreign, or a postal transfer order, specific and relevant information must be provided to facilitate a successful payout transaction.

Transfer in EUR from polish accounts

Transfers in EUR are treated as foreign transfers. If you have a EUR account in a Polish bank, you must provide all the necessary details during the transfer, just like with a foreign transfer.

Verification Requirements

Creating a payout to the specified bank account is available only for shops that meet the verification criteria. To initiate the verification process, please reach out to us through our contact page.

Authenticating the Request

To successfully payout funds to a designated bank account, you are required to authenticate the request with an OAuth token, of type client_credentials. This token must be generated using the configuration keys specific to the Point of Sale (POS) associated with the Shop from which you intend to withdraw funds.

Creating a Payout for the Designated Bank Account

Just like with the standard payout process, you need to send the request to the /api/v2_1/payouts endpoint. However, this time, you are required to provide additional information about the payout along with the request.

curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer 3e5cac39-7e38-4139-8fd6-30adc06a61bd" \
-d '{
"payout": {
"description":"Some payout"
"account": {
"customerAddress": {
"name":"Stefan Jaracz"
Notes for the Domestic Payout

New account number has been added in the accountNumber field.

When withdrawing by Postal Order (postalOrder: true), the bank account number is ignored. You still need to fill in the rest of the customerAddress fields.

The validation of input data for a payout to a specified bank account differs significantly from that of a standard payout. For details on the parameters and their specific requirements, please refer to the Create a Payout section in our API Reference.