Statements in PayU are comprehensive reports that provide a detailed summary of completed purchase transactions, refunds, and payouts. These statements offer a clear and concise overview of your financial activities and serve as a valuable tool for tracking and managing your payment transactions.
Statement Features
To enable the creation of statements that can be retrieved via API through a URL, a configuration change on the Company level is necessary. For this configuration to be set up, you will need to get in touch with our and request the required configuration change for statements to be sent on a URL accessible via API.
Available statement file formats are: .csv, .pdf and .abo* (*specific to Czech market).
We offer multiple convenient options for accessing your statements:
- Delivered via Email: You can choose to have your statements delivered directly to your email as a .zip attachment.
- Downloaded from the Merchant Panel: Access your statements through the management panel, where you can conveniently download and view them at any time.
- Retrieved via API: For more automated and integrated access, you can retrieve your statements via API.
CSV Format Description
Below is a description of all available data fields in the most common and flexible format (.csv) with reference to related fields in REST API and Classic API protocols.
Order and range of the fields in the statements can be chosen freely. When creating a statement, you can set the columns according to your preferences.
Column name | Classic API | REST API | Data type | Description |
Date | trans_recv | localReceiptDateTime | yyyy-mm-dd | Transaction completion date. |
Trans ID | trans_id | properties.payment_id | NUM {0,10} | Transaction ID assigned by PayU. |
Amount | amount | amount | NUM {2,14} | Amount entered on the billing (1,00). |
Currency | n/a | currencyCode | STR {3} | Billing currency. |
Type of operation | n/a | n/a | STR {1,4} | Most common values:
Account balance | n/a | n/a | NUM {2,14} | Merchant account balance after transaction. |
Change account balance | n/a | n/a | BOOL | TRUE/FALSE. |
Order ID | order_id | extOrderId | STR {1,1024} | Order/purchase id provided by the merchant. |
Description | desc | description | STR {1,50} | Order description provided by the merchant (or by PayU, if operation type is connected with fees/commission). |
Description2/Account number | desc2 | additionalDescription | STR {0,50} | Enhanced order description provided by the merchant or bank account number if type of operation is withdrawal (w, wc). |
Payment type | trans_pay_type | payMethod value | STR {1,8} | Payment method chosen by the payer (available values are here). |
Session ID | session_id | extOrderId | STR {1,1024} | Payment identifier given by merchant. |
City | city | | STR {0,50} | City address of the payer. |
Postal code | post_code | | STR {0,25} | Postal code of the payer. |
Phone | phone | | STR {0,100} | Phone number of the payer. |
E-mail | email | | STR {0,100} | E-mail address of the payer. |
Street | street | | STR {0,150} | Street address of the payer. |
Name and surname | first_name, last_name | buyer.firstName, buyer.lastName | STR {0,200} | Name and surname of the payer. |
Operation amount | n/a | n/a | NUM {2,14} | Operation amount of transaction, refund, corrections or payouts (1,00). ICP specific field. |
Operation currency | n/a | n/a | STR {3} | Operation currency. ICP specific field. |
Commission | n/a | n/a | NUM {2,14} | PayU Commission:
Commission currency | n/a | n/a | STR {3} | Commission currency. |
Exchange rate | n/a | n/a | NUM {20,10} | Exchange rate for shop with different transcation currency and billing currency. ICP specific field. |
Time | n/a | n/a | {hh-mm-ss} 24 hour format | Time when operation was logged on billing. |
POS ID | pos_id | merchantPosId | STR {1,7} | POS ID on which operation took place. |
POS name | n/a | n/a | STR | Name of Point of Sales determined in PayU Manager Panel. |
Split payment | n/a | n/a | BOOL | Was payment a 'split payment'. |
Payout public id | n/a | STR | Assigned by PayU - can be retrieved over API. | |
Payout external id | n/a | STR | Unique payout ID assigned by Merchant (uniqueness on Shop level required). | |
Shop name | n/a | n/a | STR | Defined in PayU Manager Panel. |
Retrieval via API
Enabling this functionality requires a special configuration on PayU's side, so in order to use it please contact us via the contact form. To get statement notifications and then retrieve statement files via API, the "Notification mode" option on Create statement screen in the merchant panel must be set to Notify url.
Statement Notification
XML form notification will be sent once the statement is ready for retrieval.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<reportNotifyRequest xmlns="">
- <reportId> - report ID.
- <reportPlanId> - merchant assigned fixed report ID.
- <reportUrl> - url the report is availabe.
- <status> - report status.
Statement retrieval
When making GET requests, please remember not to include any data in the request body, as specified in the RFC 9110 standard. Requests that do not adhere to this requirement will be rejected by PayU with an HTTP 403 status.
After the notification is received, call received reportUrl
with HTTP GET method with the header containing:
Authorization: Basic {string}
Where the {string} is the base64 encoded string of posId:Second key (MD5)
- mind the colon between POS ID and the MD5 key values!
For successful authorization, it is crucial to use the point of sale (POS) that was selected in the PayU management panel when the statement was generated. If your shop has only one POS, it may be used as the default for the statement.
Attempting to authorize with a different POS will not be effective, and it may result in an HTTP 404 error. This error indicates that the statement generated for the particular POS being used is not found, as it does not match the POS associated with the authorization attempt.
ICP Transactions in Statements
ICP is a solution dedicated to merchants operating on international markets who want to receive payouts in a currency other than the transaction currency.
Important fields for ICP transactions
Below are the main columns that contain information about currency conversion for ICP transactions:
Column name | Classic API | REST API | Data type | Description |
Operation amount | n/a | n/a | NUM {2,14} | Operation amount of transaction, refund, corrections or payouts (1,00). |
Operation currency | n/a | n/a | STR {3} | Operation currency. |
Exchange rate | n/a | n/a | NUM {20,10} | Exchange rate for shop with different transcation currency and billing currency. |
Example of Statement with ICP Transactions
You can also download sample ICP_transactions_statement.csv (3.54KB). This example shows only selected fields.