Digital Wallets
A digital wallet is a virtual platform that securely stores payment information, allowing users to make online transactions and store various forms of payment methods for convenience. PayU provides integration assistance for the most widely used digital wallets.
Apple Pay
Apple Pay™ is a digital wallet that streamlines card payments, enabling swift and effortless transactions without the need to repeatedly input card information. Apple securely stores the card data. This option is compatible with specific browsers and Apple devices, including phones and computers.
Google Pay
Google Pay™ (formerly Android Pay) is a digital wallet that streamlines card payments, enabling swift and effortless transactions without the need to repeatedly input card information. Google securely stores the card data. This option is compatible with all devices (mobile phones and computers), irrespective of the operating system and web browser.
Masterpass is a digital wallet that enables users to securely store card information. PayU's version of Masterpass is currently aimed only for users with a Polish phone number.
Visa Checkout
Visa Checkout is a digital wallet that empowers users to securely store card details and other essential information such as shipping addresses. It can be accessed via the PayU payment page or activated as a convenient lightbox directly on your store's webpage.