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Card Data in Text Form

If you meet the PCI requirements and directly collect, and store your customers' card data, you have the option to securely transmit this data to PayU in plain text form.

PCI DSS Requirements

This integration type is exclusively available to those who meet the PCI DSS requirements pertaining to the storage and processing of card data. To enable this integration, additional configuration is necessary. As a result, before proceeding with the integration process, we strongly advise you to get in touch with your designated sales representative at PayU.

Extending Standard Order

To facilitate payment with pure card data, the standard order must be enhanced with payMethods object. Additionally if payment involves stored card data, you should include either cardOnFile or recurring field.

Creating Payment with Card Data in Text Form

The card data must be sent in the form of card object contained in the payMethods section.

Example of the payMethods Section Containing card Object
"payMethods": {
"payMethod": {
"card": {

For details on parameters, please refer to Create an Order section in the PayU API Reference.

cardOnFile Parameter

You should utilize the cardOnFile parameter when the payment is non-recurring, but involves either a stored card or the card is being stored for future use.

  • FIRST - payment initiated by a cardholder who has agreed to save it, for future use. You can expect full authentication (3D Secure and/or CVV).
  • STANDARD_CARDHOLDER - payment with already saved card, initialized by the card owner. Depending of payment parameters (e.g. high transaction amount) you can expect strong authentication (3D Secure and/or CVV).
  • STANDARD_MERCHANT (MIT - Merchant-Initiated Transaction) - payment with already saved card, initialized by the shop without the card owner participation. By the definition, this payment type does not require strong authentication. You cannot use it if FIRST card-on-file payment failed.

cardOnFile parameter cannot be used with recurring parameter.

Only in case of one-time card payment this cardOnFile parameter can be skipped.

For a transaction with plain card data and cardOnFile parameter set to FIRST. You should extend payMethods.payMethod section with card object containing card data in text form.

For subsequent transactions marked as STANDARD, STANDARD_CARDHOLDER, and STANDARD_MERCHANT, you should retrieve the transaction data to obtain the firstTransactionId. Once you have obtained this firstTransactionId, you should pass it in the payMethods.payMethod.card section of the transaction request.

Example of the payMethods Section Containing card Object with firstTransactionId
"payMethods": {
"payMethod": {
"card": {
"firstTransactionId": "MCC0111LL1121"

For details on parameters, please refer to Create an Order section in the PayU API Reference.

Setting cardOnFile parameter in the correct way can increase conversion for payment cards and can guarantee transaction security.

recurring Parameter

The recurring field marks the order as recurring payment with stored card data (an order must be flagged as either cardOnFile or recurring, sending both fields will return error).

The recurring parameter can take one of two values:

  • FIRST - first transaction with full authentication (the user is present and has agreed to recurring payment terms),
  • STANDARD - subsequent recurring payment (user is not present).

For details on parameters, please refer to Create an Order section in the PayU API Reference. And if you are looking for more information about recurring payments, see Recurring Payments.

Setting recurring parameter in the correct way can increase conversion for payment cards and can guarantee transaction security.

sourcePaymentFlow Parameter

When integrating with a digital wallet provider (e.g., Visa Mobile) and you want your payment to be processed by PayU, you need to extend the standard order with a payMethods section. Additionally, you must expand the payMethods section with the following:

  • a card section containing payment instrument data in the form of a digital wallet,
  • a threeDsData section including the tavv parameter with the Token Authentication Verification Value (TAVV),
  • the sourcePaymentFlow parameter indicating the source as a digital wallet, e.g. CLICK_TO_PAY.

sourcePaymentFlow parameter can take one of the following values:

  • CARDS (wartość domyślna)
  • MDES
  • VTS
Example of the payMethods section containing data provided by a digital wallet provider.
"payMethods": {
"payMethod": {
"card": {
"number": "5100052384536818",
"expirationMonth": "1",
"expirationYear": "2026"
"threeDsData": {
"tavv": "AgAAAHsAodvkMRYBFT8CgOpQEAA="
"sourcePaymentFlow": "VISA_MOBILE"

External 3D Secure

In case you do not provide 3D Secure authentication result (see External 3D Secure), you should be prepared for handling responses with: WARNING_CONTINUE_3DS or WARNING_CONTINUE_CVV.