Payouts, involve transferring funds that accumulated on your account balance to your designated bank account. PayU offers a range of options to meet your disbursement needs, ensuring a seamless and efficient settlement process.
In PayU, you have the flexibility to choose how you want to process the funds accumulated in your balance:
- Utilize the management panel to automate your payouts conveniently.
- Opt for the API, a more advanced solution that offers a wider range of options for handling your payouts efficiently.
For payouts in Hungarian Forint (HUF) - the smallest Hungarian currency unit, PayU follows standard rounding procedures: amounts under 0.50 HUF are rounded down, while amounts of 0.50 HUF or greater are rounded up. For instance, a payout request for 5000.49 HUF will be rounded to 5000 HUF, whereas a request for 5000.50 HUF will be rounded to 5001 HUF.
Payouts via Panel
Less technical way to payout your funds.
Payouts via API 6 items
In addition to using the management panel, you have the option to create payout requests using PayU's API.
Retrieving Payout Data
PayU gives you the ability to retrieve the data of created payouts.