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MOTO (Mail Order/Telephone Order) is a service enabling you to accept payments from customers directly over the phone. This method is particularly beneficial for businesses that don't display their entire range of products on their website or those fulfilling custom orders as per customer requests.

MOTO offers two distinct use cases:

  • In the first scenario, the customer provides their card information to an operator who enters it manually (MOTO).
  • In the second scenario, the customer interacts with an automated system that guides them through entering card data using a telephone keypad (IVR).

In both scenarios, PayU exclusively offers the API. The responsibility for collecting card data (along with any other payment-related information PayU requires, like customer name, address, and first name) lies with the merchant's system.


The MOTO service requires configuration operations to be performed at PayU side. Therefore, before starting the integration process, please contact PayU via your Account Manager.

Integrating MOTO

MOTO operates on the principle of tokenization, involving two key stages:

  1. Tokenization of the customer's card.
  2. Submission of a request with an additional MOTO parameter.

Collecting Consumer's Card Information

Consumer's card information can be collected by the Secure form.

Creating a MOTO Order Request

For MOTO transactions, standard order request should be extended to include the additional fields: moto, extCustomerId and payMethods.


POS used in the example does not have tokenization enabled.

MOTO Request Example
curl -v -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer 3e5cac39-7e38-4139-8fd6-30adc06a61bd" \
-d '{
"moto": "PHONE",
"description":"OC and AC car insurance",
"name":"Invoice payment",
"payMethods": {
"payMethod": {
"value": "TOK_1IHRPT6HKSSS3H62K0GS8pElP862",
"type": "CARD_TOKEN"

For details on parameters, please refer to the Create an Order section in our API Reference.

PayU notifies the shop about the payment by sending a notification to the address specified in the order's notifyUrl parameter. For more information about notifications, refer to the Notifications section.