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Testing your integreation

For a basic integration that solely involves redirection to the PayU website, utilizing a public test payment point is entirely adequate. However, if you require testing of all API messages, including actions like refunds and others, it is advisable to set up your own account on the sandbox environment.

Public Testing POS Credentials
POS ID (pos_id):                    145227  
Drugi klucz (MD5): 13a980d4f851f3d9a1cfc792fb1f5e50
OAuth protocol - client_id: 145227
OAuth protocol - client_secret: 12f071174cb7eb79d4aac5bc2f07563f

Test cases

Here is a list of test cases for your integration to ensure your website handles the following scenarios correctly:

  1. Verify if your user is correctly redirected to PayU when PayU responds with an HTTP 302 for the POST method calls you make to the /api/v2_1/orders endpoint.
  2. Confirm if you receive and parse the notification from PayU correctly, and respond with an HTTP 200 status.
  3. Ensure you correctly establish the order status during its lifecycle. Keep in mind that order status is provided only via notifications, while the statuses returned in the response from PayU apply to the request itself and to the order.
  4. Check if you provide the continueUrl parameter and verify if the customer is redirected to this URL correctly after the payment process is completed.
  5. Be prepared to handle the error message passed in the query string added to the continueUrl.
  6. For card tokenization ensure your website is ready to handle all the payment authorization scenarios.

Options 1 and 2 above can be performed either via the Panel or programmatically via API.

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